April Fools’ Day

Tomorrow is April Fools’ Day, a day that I’ve often looked forward to–when I’ve had a fun prank in mind. I’m not as brave as some people are when it comes to pranks. I don’t think I could ever “announce” something tragic or life-changing on April Fools’ Day. Usually, my pranks have involved ideas like

St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! May you feel joyful and blessed today! As an Irishwoman (well, a one-quarter Irishwoman), St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. There’s something about it that puts a smile on my face and a jolly Irish tune in my heart. On Saturday, Tony and I went to the local

Stop the Beauty Madness

Week after week, I see the damage that our culture’s obsession with beauty has created. I’m a mental health counselor for women and girls who have eating disorders, and I’ve realized how easily people can become trapped by the thought, “If I don’t achieve physical perfection, I can never be good enough.” I was drawn

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! May your heart be full of peace and warmth today! We’re enjoying a day with wonderful friends, our precious goddaughters, delicious food, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV. Outside there’s a beautiful blanket of fresh Connecticut snow–the first snowy Thanksgiving that I’ve seen in over a decade. My heart is full

Looking Forward to Thanksgiving

I’m really looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with our goddaughters and their parents (our dear friends) next week. As I’ve been packing warm clothes and preparing for our week in the Connecticut snow, I’ve been thinking about what I’m most grateful for. I like to think of myself as an optimist, but the truth is,