How was your 2014? What do you hope for in 2015?
The year 2014 wasn’t an exceptionally good year for me, but is wasn’t a particularly bad one either. I’d rate it somewhere in the middle. It had its ups and downs, its exhilarating moments and its frustrating moments. I think the word “okay” is overused (although it’s kind of charming in the movie The Fault in Our Stars). So I went through the dictionary, trying to find a better word to encompass 2014. The words “satisfactory” and “sufficient” don’t quite describe my 2014, but “acceptable” probably sums it up the best.
There’s so much that I can’t control, but I hope that the year 2015 will be “fruitful.” Working toward long-term goals takes patience, faith, courage, time, energy, and sacrifice. It requires one to stay focused on the big picture. (I wish that I could admit to keeping the big picture in mind every day, but often it’s more of a dark and blurry background image than a clear and detailed landscape.) I don’t expect 2015 to produce visible rewards in every area of my life, but I’ll do my best to recognize and appreciate any harvest, even if it comes in a different form than I’m expecting.
Do you have a word to describe what you hope for in 2015?